Lies, Secrets, and Mystery. Author E. Lockhart delivers.

Author E. Lockhart
I am typically not a fan of contemporary, realistic fiction because I prefer to read about fantastic worlds for an escape from my own, but author E. Lockhart always delivers. Two YA novels I recommend because they sucked me in with the suspense, the unknown, and SECRETS. I will not talk much about structure, but just know that E. Lockhart is a gifted writer and she plays with writing style and phrasing to give the novel its own voice.
We Were Liars cannot be reviewed easily because I refuse to give away any spoilers. I could simply write repeatedly:
But that may not be the most influential way to convince you of E. Lockhart’s skill.
All fabulous novels begin with a map. We Were Liars begins with a map of the island near Martha’s Vineyard where the Sinclair family resides in the summer. Eighteen- year old Cadence (Cady) Sinclair Eastman narrates the story of the Sinclairs and their summer visits to Beechwood Island. The cousins call themselves the LIARS and the teenage friendships are riddled by drama but filled with love. The Liars will not settle for their parents battling over inherited fortunes. As the story begins, Cady suffers from post-traumatic migraines, but it’s a trauma she cannot remember.
Occasional chapters begin with fairy tale retellings that mirror the ongoing action. When Cady returns to Beechwood Island against her mother’s advice, she can feel the changes in her family and the island. Hints to a secret past sneak into chapters and gradually build to a climactic reveal that WILL BLOW YOU AWAY.
It’s a story that cannot be discussed among friends unless they have read it, a tale that leaves your mouth gaping open and then flipping back the pages to see how you missed it. YOU MUST READ THIS!
Genuine Fraud is E. Lockhart’s recent release and it is a fascinating YA novel in both structure and content. The novel BEGINS on chapter 18 tracking the main character, Jule, in June 2017. She claims a false identity and is tracked down by an undercover cop.
Who IS this character? The reader is left with many questions that the author unravels in a unique way.
The next chapter goes BACK in time to April, 2017 and so the story unfolds – or does it fold up? We gradually learn the backstory that put Jule in this precarious situation. There is blood, murder, secrecy, deception, and mystery. I found myself thinking one thing, but as I read on I-sure-didn’t-know-what-I thought-I-knew!
Genuine Fraud delivers action but keeps you guessing and thinking and then gasping.
It is hard to talk about both of these novels without giving away secrets and endings. Anyone craving good writing with secrets and BIG reveals lurking in the pages will enjoy these novels.
WARNING: Beware of late nights without putting the books down, biting fingernails to the pulp, and aspirating your potato chips as you gasp in shock.
Happy reading.
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