by Pat McCaw | Jul 29, 2017 | Pat's Chat, Time management
One question I am repeatedly asked is: How do you do it? I practice medicine, write novels and picture books, attempt to be supermom (in my own eyes), and...
by Pat McCaw | Jul 24, 2017 | Pat's Chat
Your heart thuds and your knees wobble and your hands shake and your head whirls and you feel hot and cold and you can’t breathe and your tummy hurts and you can’t believe it’s really happening to you. But it is. It really is. These are the opening lines to You’ve Got...
by Pat McCaw | Jul 13, 2017 | Pat's Chat
Yeah, it happened. I was a teenager in the north woods of Canada holding my bloody filet knife when the old fisherman in the fish house said it. He was dumb enough to insult me when I was armed. I proceeded to clean my walleye with skill, producing filets looking...