Soooooo, I haven’t posted for a while! My bad. The summer swallowed me up and writing got pushed aside. When it comes to priorities, family wins every time. My teenage daughters hung out all summer, and they still don’t mind spending time with their parents. That won’t last long, so we packed in as many adventures as possible.

Tubing on the Maquoketa

Rock City in Chattanooga

CATS in Chicago

Our first Quinceanera!!! Yay Melena.








We tubed on the Maquoketa River, traveled to Nashville and Chattanooga, experienced our first Quinceneara, fished, swam, saw CATS in Chicago with my mom, saw the biggest bottle of Catsup in Illinois, and binged a couple Netflix series. I won a new pair of boots at the Grand Old Opery when I was chosen to play a game on stage, and participated in a fishing tournament with my dad. We won second place!


Fishing studs

My moment in the spotlight at the Opry








At times my little brain pushes my buttons and says, “Why aren’t you working more hours?” or “Shouldn’t you be writing?” I often have to tell myself it is okay to spend my time ignoring responsibilities in order to enjoy life. My family is my world, we are creating memories, and I can’t get this time back. When the girls were only 3 and 5 years old, I hated it when everyone would tell me “enjoy it while you can, they grow up fast!” I am living that now, but I’m gripping the edge of time with torn fingernails trying to slow it down.

The kids are back in school, so now I buckle down and get busy. I’m catching up on my blog, planning school visits, teaching another class on “Using Picture Books in the Classroom” at the AEA in October, and I’m honored to be a part of the Children’s Literature Festival this fall. 

And I’m writing. I received a heart-fluttering email recently telling me about a granddaughter that couldn’t wait for the third book in my Grymballia series. She had read SAVING THE WORLD and RETURN TO GRYMBALLIA and wanted more! No worries, it’s on its way!

Right now, I’m primarily working on a novel that fills me up. It’s a novel on its twelfth version about a young girl looking for friendship . . . and witches. Keep posted! My goal is to chug along, with head down and confidence high, and write what I love. Someday my big break will come. 

I have goal charts to track my writing progress and exercise. I bought new stickers to fill my chart! When I accomplish two weeks of nonstop stickers – I earn a treat. Don’t think I’m crazy, but I get to buy resin to make things with!

This is a table I made out of a wooden spool from my brother-in-laws farm. (Recycle! ReUse!) It is coated with colored resin and paint. 

Stay tuned for upcoming blogs about good books (I read every night!), successes and failures – in writing and parenting, good music or art, and more.

Enjoy your family and make every day an adventure. IGNORE those who judge or hate. Life is good.


Thanks for visiting Pat’s Chat!


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