You Deserve More than the Crusty Piece

You Deserve More than the Crusty Piece

  My kids eat a good breakfast every morning before school, but I often show up to work and realize I have forgotten to eat. I make sure the kids get to appointments, math bee practice and piano lessons, but I have not been to the dentist for over a year. Nobody in my...
Preparing Our Children for a Different World

Preparing Our Children for a Different World

I live in rural Iowa where people still hold the door open for you, strangers wave from their passing car, and there is a sense of peace in the Heartland. When a college girl gets kidnapped and killed in a rural town only minutes away, and then a twelve-year-old boy...
A Night of Adventure – For Parents

A Night of Adventure – For Parents

  Last night the tooth fairy came to our house. I’ve heard that the tooth fairy usually got up at 4:30 am and usually went to bed quite early around the same time as the toothless child. So this meant dragging herself out of bed in the wee hours of the...
Allowing Failure

Allowing Failure

Parenting needs to come with a rule book. I may have a few college degrees, but a secondary education doesn’t prepare you for teenage girls and raising responsible adults. I have a good handle on keeping them well-fed and healthy, and I routinely enforce a good...

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