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Thanks for visiting my blog. My hope is to post every 1-2 weeks with a combination of adventure stories, craft/writing posts, book reviews, and other non-boring, exciting content to keep you coming back for more!


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All I Want for Christmas

All I Want for Christmas

Christmas is my favorite time of year. I MUST watch the Albert Finney musical version of the Christmas Carol, Scrooge, while I wrap presents, and I turn on the twinkling lights and plug in my Christmas trees before I pour my first cup of coffee. Anticipation of Santa...

A Night of Adventure – For Parents

A Night of Adventure – For Parents

  Last night the tooth fairy came to our house. I've heard that the tooth fairy usually got up at 4:30 am and usually went to bed quite early around the same time as the toothless child. So this meant dragging herself out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to...

Let’s Write a Novel: It’s Time for Nanowrimo

Let’s Write a Novel: It’s Time for Nanowrimo

Anyone can write a book. I firmly believe this. That doesn't mean that it will be a grand novel or best-seller right out of the gate, but a novel crafted by your own hard work is a huge accomplishment.  November 1st launches National Novel Writing Month - or...

Anxiety: Overcoming the Monster

Anxiety: Overcoming the Monster

Heart thumping into my ears. A fullness in my throat – is someone choking me? The sweat pools and my deodorant surely can’t keep up with this river of emotion. Do I swear, cry, scream, or run away to the countryside? I just want to put on my flannel pants and curl up...

Lies, Secrets, and Mystery. Author E. Lockhart delivers.

Lies, Secrets, and Mystery. Author E. Lockhart delivers.

I am typically not a fan of contemporary, realistic fiction because I prefer to read about fantastic worlds for an escape from my own, but author E. Lockhart always delivers. Two YA novels I recommend because they sucked me in with the suspense, the unknown, and...

American Gothic: A Short Story

American Gothic: A Short Story

  Writing assignment: “Choose a painting, and then make up a story about the scene taking place in it.” It was your average morning. Chester complained that his eggs were too runny, the bacon was not crispy enough, and that the lack of rain causing the corn crop...

Picture Books: Oh, That’s Easy! (NOT)

Picture Books: Oh, That’s Easy! (NOT)

Writing a picture book is NOT easy. It's complicated, challenging, and requires the precise combination of words to tell a story with a story arc containing conflict with a resolution in exactly 32 pages. Sounds easy, right? Everyone seems to think so. Children's...

The Power of Music

The Power of Music

 Stuck on the couch. No motivation. UNTIL – I pop in my earbuds and the music starts playing. My step lightens and I walk my dog for miles to the tunes. The music lifts my spirits and provides motivation. Imagine Dragons, Lady Gaga, Coldplay, Sia, and classic Queen...

Allowing Failure

Allowing Failure

Parenting needs to come with a rule book. I may have a few college degrees, but a secondary education doesn't prepare you for teenage girls and raising responsible adults. I have a good handle on keeping them well-fed and healthy, and I routinely enforce a good nights...

Back to School Blues

Back to School Blues

Ten days and counting until the bus pulls up and whisks the girls away to another year of school. I should be doing cartwheels across the lawn because their bickering and whining will cease, the constant need to entertain will end, and silence can wrap me up like a...

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